Auto Accident DO’s and DON’Ts

So, you were driving and on your way home from a hectic work day. Suddenly, you felt an impact on the rear end of your car. You are now involved in a car accident. What do you do?


  • BE CALM.
  • Check yourself for physical injuries. 
  • Move your vehicle to the side, if safe or possible.
  • Check the damages to your car.
  • Exchange insurance information with the driver of the other vehicle.
  • Call the police and ambulance.
  • Take pictures of both cars and the scene of the accident.
  • Take photos of your physical injuries, if any.
  • Gather other important information and evidence.
  • Call your auto insurance company and file a claim or CALL your Attorney for assistance in filing a claim, especially if there are physical injuries involved.
  • If there are witnesses to the accident, get their information and contact them when needed.


  • Do not get into heated verbal or physical exchanges with the other vehicle’s driver.
  • Do not make any statements. Remember, anything you say can and may be used against you.
  • Do not put yourself at risk or in danger by staying, walking, or standing in the middle of the road after an accident.
  • Do not ignore medical attention even if you think you were not injured.
  • Do not settle with anyone without consulting your lawyer or auto insurance agent first.
  • Do not discard or throw any potential evidence, such as items destroyed or bloodstained clothes, resulting from the collision.

It is unnerving to be in an auto accident. Just remember to be calm, vigilant, and aware at all times. As soon as you have done what you must, return to your car and safely drive away (if the vehicle is still driveable). If your car cannot be moved and was towed away, call for someone to pick you up either at the scene of the accident (if safe) or at any location where you are out of harm’s way.

Remember, always drive safely. DO NOT DRINK AND DRIVE. DO NOT TEXT AND DRIVE. Eyes MUST always be on the road! Be safe out there!

About: Petite1125